Are you new to the field of Health Professions Education? This is the podcast for you! Join us as we dive into hot topics in HPE, discuss new ideas with exciting guests, and explore the weird and wonderful elements of this growing field. Can’t wait to see you there!
Episode 3: Do patients teach health professionals?
In this episode, we welcome Holly Adam (PhD Candidate) for a discussion about what patient involvement is, why it matters, and how we can effectively implement it health professions education. Tune in for some controversial research findings on this topic, as well as a conversation starter about the need for increased patient involvement in the field.
Welcome back! In this episode, we welcome our first guest, Dr. Catherine Giroux, for a discussion about what non-clinicians can bring to the field of HPE. We also reflect on our experiences as emerging scholars and what experiences really helped us figure out how we wanted to contribute to HPE. Stay tuned for some neat tips and tricks, as well as a conversation about how experiential learning helped us to get where we are today.
Welcome to HPE Conversation Starters, a new podcast for those interested in all things Health Professions Education. This episode will give you a brief overview of what this podcast is about and how the name came to be. Join us as we embark on this new adventure!